This is a link to the introduction assignment!

This is a link to the seven principles assignment!

This is a link to the site layouts assignment!

This is a link to the pattern assignment!

This is a link to the absolutely positioned tennis court!

This is a link to the single serve website!

This is a link to the drawing assignment!

This is a link to the single serve website!

This is a link to the single serve website!

This is a link to the site map for Blackboard!

This is a link to the assignment with a long passage text of text broken up into pages with links in the text itself!

This is a link to the current state of project 3.

This is a link to the revamped first site.

This is a link to the halloween contest.

This is a link to project 3: the responsive single page site.

This is a link to excercise 12: The jQuery Site.

This is a link to the FINAL state of my responsive collection website.

This is a link to the randomized jQuery Site.